Business name : Falcon Yacht Club

The Club began in 1963 when a few sailors from Winnipeg would gather weekends at Faloma to go sailing. It did not take long for them to begin racing their boats against each other, using the public government dock of the time as their start/finish point.

In 1964, John Higham, the Club’s very first Commodore, obtained a charter to form the Falcon Yacht Club and approached the Dept. of Mines & Natural Resources for some land “to maintain and operate a HQ for a sailing club”. By the following year, the Provincial Government granted a lease for the land “bound South, East and North by the lake, creek and service road, respectively, and to a depth 700’ to the West”. So we began.
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During these early days, and well into the 80’s, the Club had permanent racing marks over the 12 km long lake and sailors were sent on those itineraries which presented the best challenge of the day for the given wind direction and strength.

Many a summer resident would look forward to pulling a chair onto their dock after lunch to watch the sailboats go by. The most common sailboat classes at the time were of classic hull shape, without spinnakers or trapeze, like the Lazy E, Albacore, Windmill and the Enterprise. Quickly, the competition became fierce and many sailors selected faster boats. Thus the forty or so older designs saw the addition of a fleet of some 25 very fast ‘scow’ type boats, mainly Fireballs and Y-Flyers. These two had identical handicaps (85) and it made for some very exciting class-like racing.