På bestyrelsens og egne vegne vil jeg ønske alle klubbens medlemmer og andre med tilknytning til klubben en glædelig jul og et lykkebringende nytår. 2015 blev på mange måder det jubilæumsår vi havde ønsket. Vejret kunne nok have artet sig bedre, og vi kunne måske også have vundet et eller to mesterskab unimportant, men selve jubilæet, med lowland, fest og gathering var helt som det skulle være! Vores flåde blev udvidet med Nordberg 26’eren “Bodil” og de to nye Zoom8’ere […]
Sejl Sikkert-indsatsen søger stadig en række lokale ambassadører i sejlklubberne. Dansk Sejlunion indgår som medlem af Søsportens Sikkerhedsråd i Sejl Sikkert-indsatsen, som drives i et samarbejde mellem TrygFonden og Søsportens Sikkerhedsråd. Læs un
there has been a closing minute alternate to the date of our next large event on the calendar – our “Stan Vitnell Memorial Regatta” so as to be held over the weekend of 30th & thirty first January 2016. All “off the beach” crusing boats welcome. in the period in-between, come and join us any Sunday. Races begin on the water at 1pm read greater about NOTICES Budgewoi sailing – join the fun Budgewoi crusing membership is a a […]
we’ve simply upgraded the boats on the market segment of our website, and suffered a few technical hitches in doing so. the new content is now on line however we have no longer yet managed to add all our inventory onto the device, if you were looking at a ship and it has now disappeared don’t worry it might be nonetheless available – please touch us as it can make the effort to catch up with re-formatting all our adverts. […]
Burghfield Sailing Club is one of the largest inland sailing clubs in the country. The lake has over 200 acres of sailable water and lies along the beautiful Kennet Valley so benefiting from the prevailing south-westerly winds. The club is open every day from sunrise to sunset. You can race on most Sundays and on Wednesday evenings during the summer. The Club Office is usually open Tuesday 10-2, Wednesday-Sunday 10-4 (additional hours for events). See the Information->Contact page for up-to-date […]
Located in NE Florida, The Amelia Island Sailing Club, unlike its name, is comprised of both sail and power boaters. As a small club, we remain unencumbered with the responsibility of property or other asset ownership. This allows our members to freely participate in our many varied activities without the need for club asset assigned duties.