was based as Associate in Nursing event of Nupedia, a now-abandoned project to supply a free reference book, begun by the web media company Bomis. Nupedia had Associate in Nursing elaborate system of critique and needed extremely qualified contributors, however the writing of articles was slow. throughout 2000, Jimmy Wales (founder of Nupedia and co-founder of Bomis), and Larry Sanger, whom Wales had used to figure on the reference book project, mentioned ways in which of supplementing Nupedia with a […]
Dansk Sejlsport i almindelighed og Aabenraa Sejl Club i særdeleshed har mistet en kæmpe arbejdskraft og et stort menneske. På vegne af Aabenraa Sejl Club har jeg påtaget mig opgaven at skrive et mindeord om Jan Wojtczak. Jan var ikke, som society er flest. Jan var en arbejdshest, uegennyttig og en individual, der havde mod til at redegøre for sine holdninger og lytte til andres. Det, der canine især gjorde Jan stor, var hans evne til at tilpasse sine holdninger, […]